Panayotis Ioannidis was born in 1967 in Athens, where he now lives. He works with words and images.
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He has published four books of poems with Kastaniotis Editions, To sosivio [The lifesaver, 2008] Akalyptos [Uncovered, 2013], Polonia [2016; shortlisted for both the State Literary Prize and the "Anagnostis" Prize], Rinokeros [Rhinoceros, 2020]. He is also one of the authors of the essay books, A conversation about poetry now (FRMK, 2018) and What art teaches us (FRMK, 2020).
His poems have been included in two English-language anthologies (T. Chiotis, Futures - Poetry of the Greek crisis, Penned in the Margins, 2015 / K. Van Dyck, Austerity Measures, Penguin, 2016 & New York Review Books, 2017), two German anthologies (Wassiliki Knithaki & Adrian Kasnitz (eds.), Kleine Tiere zum Schlachten, Parasiten Presse, 2017; Maria Topali, Dichtung mit Biss, Edition Romiosini, 2018), and in the book "NICE - Is return possible?" (Lo&Behold, 2016).
Apart from several Greek journals since 1996, his poems have also been published in English-language journals ("Filling Station" 21, 2001 / "Drunken Boat" 19, 2014; "Hotel Amerika" 13, 2015; "Poetry London" 82, 2015; "Hotel Amerika" 14 , 2016), as well as in Croatian ("Tema", Spring 2020), Polish ("Lirydram" 16, 2017), Swedish ("Subaltern" 2-3, 2014 / Medelhavsmuseet, 2016), and Turkish ("Bireylikler" 29, Nov. 2009). They were presented during the "16 Young Greek Poets" readings, organised by the theatre company "Praxi" in spring 1997; received 2nd prize at the "1st Meeting of Young Artists (Vakalo Art School)" in spring 1998; and were presented at the "Umeå Littfest" international literary festival (Sweden, 2014); and elsewhere.
Apart from this blog, some of his poems in English translation may be found on the
Greek Poetry Now platform, and on
He has translated poems by Rene Char ("FRMK" 16, Winter 2020/ Autumn 2021
), William Carlos Williams ("FRMK" 7, Spring-Summer 2016 / "FRMK" 16, Winter 2020/ Autumn 2021), Elizabeth Bishop ("The Books' Journal" 65, April 1016), Robert Duncan ("FRMK" 7, Spring-Summer 2016; "The Books' Journal" 75, March 2017), Marianne Moore ("The Books' Journal" 85, Mar. 2018), Ezra Pound ("The Books' Journal" 96, Mar. 2019), Seamus Heaney ("anti" b 588, 13 October 1995; "anti" b 635, 23 May 1997), Robert Creeley ("Poeisi" 18, Autumn-Winter 2001),
Thom Gunn ("Poeisi" 12, Autumn-Winter 1998; "Entefktirio" 86, July-Sept. 2009; "FRMK" 7, Spring-Summer 2016), Andrew Motion ("Poiesi" 9, Spring-Summer 1997), Jane Hirshfield ("TA NEA", 18 April 2020), David Harsent ("FRMK" 4, Autumn-Winter 2014),
Elaine Feinstein, Fiona Sampson and Michael Symmons Roberts ("Poiitiki" 10, Autumn-Winter 2012) - as well as poetic texts by visual artists Louise Bourgeois and Roni Horn ("FRMK" 10, Autumn-Winter 2017).