[a piece in greek, linking a poem by takis papatsonis with a fragment by rainer maria rilke, taken from ulrich baer's book, the poet's guide to life: the wisdom of rilke]
February 2025 _ 9 poems in the Greek original (to read or hear, recorded with my voice) and in various translations now on LyrikLine : https://www.lyrikline.org/en/authors/panayotis-ioannidis
this treefeller
Panayotis Ioannidis was born in 1967 in Athens, where he now lives. He works with words and images.
His poems are published byKastaniotis Editions: To Sosivio [The Lifesaver, 2008], Akalyptos [Uncovered, 2013], Polonia [Rhinoceros, 2016], Rinokeros [Rhinoceros, 2020]. They have been published in anthologies and journals in Croatian, English, German, Polish, Swedish and Turkish translation. Also, together with his translations of poems by Seamus Heaney, Andrew Motion, Thom Gunn, Robert Creeley, David Harsent, Michael Symmons Roberts, a.o., they have been appearing in Greek literary journals since 1995.
He is poetry editor of the monthly "The Books' Journal", on the editorial board of the poetry, theory and visual arts bi-annual journal "Farmako" [Drug], founding poetry editor (2019-2021) at und.Athens, and curator of the monthly poetry readings "Words (can) do it".